Tuesday Tips: To A New You! – Week 4
Welcome to week 4 of “Tuesday Tips: To A New You!” series!
How stress can affect your weight
Healthy Strategy #4 – Reduce Stress
I realize this is not always an easy thing to do. Most of us are juggling way too much and going through the day at warp speed, trying to get more and more accomplished. But having a high-stress level, not only is it harmful to your health, it’s harmful to your waistline as well.
When you are constantly under stress, hormone levels, like cortisol and insulin are elevated. The elevation of these 2 hormones can sabotage your weight loss efforts and actually cause weight gain.
‘Feeling stressed can create a wide variety of physiological changes, such as impairing digestion, excretion of valuable nutrients, decreasing beneficial gut flora populations, decreasing your metabolism, and raising triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin, and cortisol levels.’ – Mercola.com
So, while you may think you can “handle it” as far as your stress level goes, we aren’t meant to be under constant stress, and it takes its toll. If you are doing everything right as far as diet and exercise but you’re under stress every day, you’re not going to see or feel the results you want.
What are some ways you can reduce your stress level?
Is there something you can start with this week?
My 90-Day clients learn fabulously effective stress reduction techniques. If you’re ready to learn, sign up for a FREE Breakthrough Session today!
Wishing you all the best,
Health Coach Jaime